
EagleBurgmann – Seal Solutions

LTN-Project LLP is the official distributor of EagleBurgmann in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

EagleBurgmann – Rely on Excellence

EagleBurgmann is one of the leading providers of industrial sealing technology on the international stage. Our products and comprehensive services are used wherever the key requirements are reliability and safety.

Ex­cel­lent quality, close prox­im­ity to our cus­tomers, great capacity for in­no­va­tion and an ex­ten­sive product port­fo­lio for nearly all in­dus­trial processes and fields of ap­pli­ca­tion are what make us stand out.

Our port­fo­lio includes me­chan­i­cal seals and seal supply systems, magnetic cou­plings, carbon floating ring seals, ex­pan­sion joints and gaskets, packings, special products and ex­ten­sive services. Being part of the German Freuden­berg and Japanese EKK group gives us all the re­sources we need for a reliable part­ner­ship built on solid foun­da­tions. World­wide.